Our sustainability promise

We believe that empowering others through writing, reading and creativity is one of the ways we can make a difference in the world. We also want to make a difference to how our world is cared for: and this drives our approach to sustainability and everything we do to reduce our environmental impacts.

The climate emergency is real and is happening right now. We are working to reduce the environmental impact of our festival to ensure we are being responsible global citizens, taking care of the communities where we operate, and doing our part to curb the most harmful impacts of global climate change.

At Primadonna, we prioritise waste reduction, followed by reuse and then recycling, energy recovery and disposal.


We do not use single-use plastics. All onsite vendors use materials that are either reusable, renewable, certified compostable or if unavoidable made from at least 30% recycled content. This includes sampling containers, cutlery, plates, cups, bottles, serve-ware, sachets, stirrers, straws.

We provide good access to quality potable water, as well as seek to reduce water waste.

Offering quality and healthy food to our customers is a priority. We minimise the amount of food that goes to waste and make best use of composting facilities and redistribution schemes.

Our merchandise and publicity/marketing materials are printing on organic, recyclable/sustainable materials, and are ethically sourced.


We want to minimise our carbon footprint by helping people opt out of driving to the festival. Please see our Travel page for the most up-do-date information.